Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reading Shannon

I am reading the book Shannon by Frank Delaney. Actually, I'm listening to the audio book. Anyway, tonight I pulled in to the driveway right as the book was about to end. I was miserable. Should I sit in the car and listen to the rest or save the ending for my trip to work in the morning. I decided to save it. Anyway, I hope the ending is explosive and not simply like the blowing out of a candle. When a book leads me to believe there is going to be a some great climax, but the author decides to wind up all the loose ends in 2-3 sentences, I get really mad.

Crossing my fingers that by 9:00 in the morning I will say, "What a great book."


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am always sad at the end of a book, even more sad at the end of a book series. Hope it ended well! :)