Sunday, March 30, 2008

Little Miss Nosey

I think I have a monkey on my back. You know how some people are addicted to their computers? Some can't stop playing games, some gamble, and others like to look at what I will call "naughty" pictures. I too, am addicted. I can't stop going to and looking inside people's homes. Sometimes I spend a couple of hours doing it. What kind of cabinets do they have in their kitchen? Oh, wow, cherry. Do they have nice bedding or just some old quilt? Well, they had better not think that house is going to sell without a fresh new down comforter. Ha! Look at that pink and gray tile in the bathroom. I wonder if some nice white fluffy designer towels would make it look updated?

It is all the fault of HGTV. Decorating shows 24/7 and people constantly spending mega-bucks to get just the right look to sell their house. And then there are the cheapos like me. People totally re-building a house from the foundation up on less than $1000. The decorators on those shows can cover grand-ma's old hideaway sofa with a sheet and make it look like it was just purchased from Crate & Barrel. A couple of throw pillows made from cast off dish towels and the value of the house goes up by $25,000.

If it turns out that I have to get professional help for my little problem, I might have to put my house up for sale to cover the bills. Then people will be scanning my private domain for imperfections. That is enough to make me join Nosey People Anonymous. Imagine the thought of hordes of people seeing that I have a calendar by my desk hung up with nothing but a punch pin. And worst of all, my home has no theme and flow. I haven't even had anyone come out and check the feng shui.

I can't bear it all. Little Miss Nosey is going to start minding her own business.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Short Story

Is there anything better than a good novel? You know it is good when you hate that it must end. I was miserable when I got to the last few pages of Dr. Zhivago - was it really Lara? And Centennial beginning with the earth pouring out molten lava, the book ending centuries later - but just not enough centuries for me. I want the stories I read to go on and on. I want to languish in them. But... there is a time for brevity in story telling. More often than we sometimes realize.

How many times have you listened to someone give an account of a happening in their life and you wish they would just get on with it? Yikes. I realize that I am one of those people who goes all the way around the world before I can get to the point. Sometimes I know I'm doing it and try to cut my own self off at the pass. But other times I realize that it is too late, I've gotten myself in way too far and I must continue on or none of the story will make sense. It begins as an effort to make the account more interesting by adding little details. However, at some point the details start to become drivel and you can see in the listener's eyes that in personal story telling, the majority of the time, less is more.

Anyway, I am going to work on this. No more riveting stories such as: I was driving home from work, this guy cuts me off, kind of like when I was a child riding my tricycle and the neighbor boy pulled his wagon out in front of me, my mom was so mad when I bloodied my knee, mothers are like that you know, and finally I pull up beside the guy's car and shoot him a dirty look, wish I had used the finger, kind of like the dirty fingers I had when I was trying to dig a flower garden in 1983, or was it 1985?, not sure, anyway, the finger, oh yes I wanted to, but didn't. He might know someone I know and I can't chance people finding out that I would behave that way. Aren't those kinds of driver's annoying?

The listener is smiling at me thinking "not as annoying as you." So, I promise, today, I am swearing off the long story. It is the short story for me. This guy cuts me off and and I flip him one. The end.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Tired, Tired, Tired

Wow. I'm not a very good blogger. Three times and I almost called it quits. Well ... in my defense I have been out of town quite a bit the past few weeks. I made it to San Diego and drove from there up to San Juan Capistrano. A second trip a week later put me in Phoenix and then up to the Grand Canyon and Sedona. It was all so very beautiful and so very rushed as I was really traveling for work instead of pleasure. I just grabbed some pleasure as fast as I could.

We switched to daylight savings time this week-end so leaving work later than usual seemed no big deal. It didn't feel that late. I had a turkey burger with a couple of friends and got home a little after 7:00 pm. It was barely getting dark. When I got home I thought I'd exercise. After gliding on my glider for 30 minutes both feet started to go numb. How embarassing to be so out of shape that one's feet can't even glide half an hour. Afterward I sat down in my favorite chair, my computer chair, and checked the bus schedule for the 100th time in 6 months. Every week I promise to try to help save the earth and use public transit. I did ride it a few times in the fall and oh, how I bragged. But, its not that easy. To ride the bus you have to commit to a schedule and I really lack commitment to getting up earlier every morning.

Now at 9:30 after some diet pudding, I'm starting to feel really tired. It wouldn't be hard to crawl in to bed and sleep for days. Maybe part of what is making me feel so tired is that I am surrounded by things that need to be done. At work there is always plenty to do and at home I am neglecting way too much. Its so bad that I know we are getting a tax refund this year, but I just don't want to fill out the paperwork to file. And speaking of paper, shredding junk mail is costing me at least an extra hour per week. This is madness. Not only am I tired from too much to do, I'm tired from too much information. And then its my job to dispose of the information. Perhaps I shouldn't complain too much about this aggravation in my life since I work in a marketing department and we are also culprits who send out mass mailings. I'll just say, there should be some controls on us marketing people and our excuse that we are killing trees to keep the economy going.

I know the answer to part of my tiredness is accomplish a few jobs by breaking them down in to small tasks and just chipping away. The question is how small should I make the tasks and how many should I force myself to do. This week-end, do taxes. Get coats that have accumulated in back seat of car over the winter months and have them dry cleaned for next year. Take down snowman display since we finally had some snow last week. Dust, dust, dust. No - that's not a part of my plan. Its just an observation as I look around the room. Okay, dust something. That seems to be a good start for Saturday, and Sunday is a day of rest, supposedly. Well I plan to squeeze some rest out of Saturday too and sleep in. It might require cutting back on my tasks, but there is no sense overwhelming myself. It will just make me more tired.
