I am committed to blogging at least one sentence quarterly.
Breaking all the blogging rules.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Off For A Few Days
I will not think about work. I will not think about work. I will not think about work.
I'm going to have to repeat this over and over to enjoy a few days off. I hope it works and I will not think about work!!!!
I'm going to have to repeat this over and over to enjoy a few days off. I hope it works and I will not think about work!!!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I am heading to Florida for work tomorrow. It is okay with me, but I don't like planes. Unlike many others, it is not because I'm afraid of crashing. It is because of the re-cycled air and the need to sit right on top of each other in a tube shooting through the air. It gives me a headache and when others says their ears have popped open after landing, mine don't recover from the air pressure change for hours.
So to get through it I have Dramamine and Earplanes ear plugs. I end up being very smiley and lazy with 2 blue rubber "springs" sticking out of my ears. It ain't pretty!
So to get through it I have Dramamine and Earplanes ear plugs. I end up being very smiley and lazy with 2 blue rubber "springs" sticking out of my ears. It ain't pretty!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Family Connections
It has been over 25 years since I have talked to some of my cousins. Who would have thought that Facebook would have brought us together. Writing letters, the telephone, and visiting used to be the way we made contact. Writing became cumbersome, telephone calls were expensive, and visiting relatives spread across the country took too much time.
I'm happy that Facebook has given me the opportunity to say hello and even schedule some visits with my family. I just think it is very weird that we now communicate almost entirely through computers.
I'm happy that Facebook has given me the opportunity to say hello and even schedule some visits with my family. I just think it is very weird that we now communicate almost entirely through computers.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My Struggle With God
I've heard people say "You know that you know that you know." That is the only way that I can believe in God.
There are days when I don't know if I really believe in Christianity and want to become a Buddhist. Other days I want to reject all religion because I start to think it is just too much trouble. It is too hard to follow the rules. Don't covet, love others as yourself, yada yada yada. I wonder if even Billy Graham felt this way on occasion. Did he get up to the microphone and preach on days when he didn't really know if there is a God or just wanted to go home and take care of his own business.
My maiden name is Thomas and it is sure reflective of the "doubting Thomas" attitude I have had throughout my life. But, I often remember the time when my little 7 & 8 year olds in Sunday School asked, "How do you know God is really there?" I responded with no doubt, you feel God in your heart. And they all nodded knowingly.
So there it is. I doubt. I don't doubt. I doubt. I don't doubt. But in the end, I know that I know that I know.
There are days when I don't know if I really believe in Christianity and want to become a Buddhist. Other days I want to reject all religion because I start to think it is just too much trouble. It is too hard to follow the rules. Don't covet, love others as yourself, yada yada yada. I wonder if even Billy Graham felt this way on occasion. Did he get up to the microphone and preach on days when he didn't really know if there is a God or just wanted to go home and take care of his own business.
My maiden name is Thomas and it is sure reflective of the "doubting Thomas" attitude I have had throughout my life. But, I often remember the time when my little 7 & 8 year olds in Sunday School asked, "How do you know God is really there?" I responded with no doubt, you feel God in your heart. And they all nodded knowingly.
So there it is. I doubt. I don't doubt. I doubt. I don't doubt. But in the end, I know that I know that I know.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Fr. John Corapi
I can't sleep. I'm going to be tired in the morning, but there is nothing I can do about it.
I watched Father John Corapi a little earlier this evening on TV and he spoke about having a conscience. He said if a person doesn't use their conscience it is the same as letting a body part weaken. The more it weakens, the less you can use it. Letting one bad thing into your life weakens the conscience and soon other wrongs don't seem so bad. Finally the conscience is so weakened that wrongs seem normal and right.
Thanks Father Corapi for shooting straight with your listeners. You don't tell them what they want to hear, but what you know they should hear.
Father Corapi is going to be in Buffalo, NY August 15. I would have love to hear him speak in person but have already scheduled other plans. I'll just keep watching on the TV.
Father Corapi's website link is: http://www.fathercorapi.com/about.aspx
Here is the link to spiritual 911: http://www.fathercorapi.com/PDF/911.pdf
For those of you who are having trouble sleeping, an evening prayer.
O eternal God and Ruler of all creation, You have allowed me to reach this hour. Forgive the sins I have committed this day by word, deed or thought. Purify me, O Lord, from every spiritual and physical stain. Grant that I may rise from this sleep to glorify You by my deeds throughout my entire lifetime, and that I be victorious over every spiritual and physical enemy. Deliver me, O Lord, from all vain thoughts and from evil desires, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen. (By Saint Macarius)
I watched Father John Corapi a little earlier this evening on TV and he spoke about having a conscience. He said if a person doesn't use their conscience it is the same as letting a body part weaken. The more it weakens, the less you can use it. Letting one bad thing into your life weakens the conscience and soon other wrongs don't seem so bad. Finally the conscience is so weakened that wrongs seem normal and right.
Thanks Father Corapi for shooting straight with your listeners. You don't tell them what they want to hear, but what you know they should hear.
Father Corapi is going to be in Buffalo, NY August 15. I would have love to hear him speak in person but have already scheduled other plans. I'll just keep watching on the TV.
Father Corapi's website link is: http://www.fathercorapi.com/about.aspx

Here is the link to spiritual 911: http://www.fathercorapi.com/PDF/911.pdf
For those of you who are having trouble sleeping, an evening prayer.
O eternal God and Ruler of all creation, You have allowed me to reach this hour. Forgive the sins I have committed this day by word, deed or thought. Purify me, O Lord, from every spiritual and physical stain. Grant that I may rise from this sleep to glorify You by my deeds throughout my entire lifetime, and that I be victorious over every spiritual and physical enemy. Deliver me, O Lord, from all vain thoughts and from evil desires, for yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever. Amen. (By Saint Macarius)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Junior High

We didn't call it middle school then. The top pic as at the Grand Canyon. I was having such a good time! I had my hair pulled back in a braid and my moccasins on. I sewed this dress myself and as you can see, I knew how to hem. I am very unfriendly looking, but that is because I have always hated having my picture taken. I was hard pressed to find a pic that was close-up. Also, this is the year I decided to color my hair. I became a blonde. Nine months later I had longer hair and it looked like I was considering smiling. The one at the bottom is in happier days when hair was not an issue as long as your wore a cowgirl hat.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Tennessee River

The Tennessee River is 652 miles long and snakes from the east side of Knoxville south to Chattanooga and in to Alabama. It then flows to create a border between Alabama and Mississippi before it moves northward again, back to Tennessee. I chose a picture of the river for the header of my blog because I think it is beautiful as it winds its way through the mountains and my son is a diver and works on the locks and dams of the river. For those of you who ever have the opportunity go to a UT VOLS football home game, you will find the river accessorized by large numbers of boats, floating in to Knoxville arrayed in Big Orange and White. The areas between Knoxville and Chattanooga have also become filled with resort-like communities on the river. In Chattanooga the river flows through the middle of town and can be viewed from a beautiful pedestrian bridge. I love this area of the country and I'm so glad that it is just a couple of hours away.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Always Looking Forward?

Well, everybody. I say that I am always looking forward, but after the last post I did take a very short trip down memory lane. Here I am in 1978 - 21 years old. The funny thing is I think I'm having a better time now. It was not easy going through the growing pains of becoming an adult. You can't see them, but my husband is sitting beside me and I'm holding my 9 month old daughter.
As I said, it is much easier being me now, but I wouldn't mind having my old body back. LOL
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Still Rockin' It

In the 1970s I loved listening to Ann and Nancy Wilson, Heart. When they performed Straight On For You, I was hooked.
Today I saw the two of them on a satellite concert special and the girls still have it. Yes, they are near 60, but don't be fooled by their chronological age. They are "still rockin'it."
It made me think about all of the women I know personally that have changed the way I have come to view growing older. So, if you are over 50 and feel like 25, I'd like to have you send me a picture of yourself when you were much younger and another picture of you as you look now. I know you girls are still rockin' it in some way - and I don't mean rocking chair. Whether you are learning new skills, hobbies, or just consider yourself young at heart, please join me. I want to post the pictures and show how much fun it is to be over 50.
Send your photos to bobbyandjanice@hotmail.com. Can't wait to see them.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Glad to Be Alive
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Farrah Fawcett was on prime time this week. She has chosen to let others follow her as she faces cancer and the probability of death. Just this past Friday a lady I work with lost her 9 year old grand daughter to cancer. The funeral is tomorrow. My mom's friend is currently in treatment. And then I remember with sadness, my cousin who passed away earlier this year from cancer. For those who are facing cancer in one way or another, Fear Not - Learning From Your Cancer is a book that will provide comfort and strength. A friend and colleague wrote it after experiencing cancer. You can find it Amazon ISBN 978-0881775389.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Blending In
What makes some of us need to stand out in a crowd and others want to remain unseen? Wanting to achieve is in my make-up and part of that is having others recognize me for my achievements. Currently, I'm reading "Plain Truth" about an Amish girl who is accused of killing her newborn infant. The most striking part of the book to me so far is that the Amish people do not crave notoriety. They prefer to blend in to their community. The "plain people" prefer a life of sacrifice for family and community over private gain. I like that. When I do something, I want to be more conscious of whether or not it is to impress.
I have certainly learned something from the book and the plain people.
I have certainly learned something from the book and the plain people.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
State Fair

The Iowa State Fair has quite a history. I have had intentions of attending for years, but could never get excited enough for the fair to make my "to do" list. I'm sorry to say that my only experience with a state fair is the Tennessee State Fair. For those of you who organize the TSF, I apologize, but it is certainly not an event I ever want to visit again. I'll leave it up to other Tennesseans as to whether or not they disagree.
Anyway, I'm making reservations today for a hotel and will be arriving in Des Moines on August 14. Since Des Moines is the place of my birth and I have many family memories, I always enjoy visiting. This year, however, I will be really immersing myself in the fair culture. The "Butter Cow" is evidently a must see. One can choose from a variety of foods on a stick. The list is extensive, but I think worth posting on this blog. I'll have a hard time choosing what to eat.
- Pickle on-a-stick
- Pork chop on-a-stick
- Corn dog
- Cheese on-a-stick
- Cajun chicken on-a-stick
- Sesame chicken on-a-stick
- Carmel apple
- German sausage on-a-stick
- Teriyaki beef on-a-stick
- Corn on the cob on-a-stick
- Cotton candy
- Veggie dog on-a-stick
- Turkey drumstick
- Nutty bar
- Fried pickle on-a-stick
- Hot bologna on-a-stick
- Shrimp on-a-stick
- Chicken on-a-stick
- Monkey Tails (chocolate covered banana on-a-stick)
- Taffy on-a-stick
- Honey on-a-stick
- Ice cream Wonder Bar
- Deep fried Snickers bar on-a-stick
- Deep fried 3 Musketeers bar on-a-stick
- Deep fried Milky Way bar on-a-stick
- Deep fried Twinkie on-a-stick
- Lamb on-a-stick
- Meatballs on-a-stick
- Deep fried hoho on-a-stick
- Fudge Puppy (waffle drenched in chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream)
- Chili Dog on-a-stick
- Funtastick Pork on-a-stick
- Dutch letters on-a-stick
- Turkey tenders on-a-stick
- Deep fried hot dog on-a-stick
- Chocolate covered cheesecake on-a-stick
- Potato Lollipop (4 thick slices of russet potato deep fried and on-a-stick with dipping sauces)
- Pineapple on-a-stick (Fresh pineapple dipped in funnel cake batter and deep fried)
- Chicken lips on-a-stick (breaded chicken breast smothered with hot sauce, served with blue cheese dressing).
- Cornbrat on-a-stick (bratwurst dipped in corndog batter)
- Frozen fudge brownie on-a-stick
- Ice cream cookie sandwich on-a-stick
- Rock candy on-a-stick
- Salad on-a-stick
- Hard-boiled egg on-a-stick
Please don't think I am poking fun. I really can't wait. Flat land beckons me and memories of playing with my cousins as a child and my grandma cupping my cheeks in her hands as she kissed me hello, makes visiting Iowa invaluable.
I'm not a true fan of musicals, but I intend to rent "State Fair" before my trip. Since the movie is based on the Iowa State Fair, it will surely put me in the festive mood. You can check out the 1945 movie at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0038116/. For friends and family who read this, I hope to see you there.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Job Stability
I'm not normally a fan of stability in the workplace. It makes people complacent. Instead of looking for stability, my tendency is to want to keep things changing. I get a sense of forward movement, although sometimes my need to keep things changing hasn't always served my best interests. As retirement approaches, I'm going to be fending for myself. It is exhausting and scary, but self-reliance is a good thing.
This past couple of months my company has had to lay off a number of people, some that have been there for more than 20 years, some in the same position for many years. I have never been in a position for more than 3 years and it is a wonder to me to see people who are satisfied with this type of stability. This is certainly not a judgment call on my part, because in the long run the people who have planned to retire by staying in one job for the duration are really smart. I'm sure there is nothing like knowing that a check will be coming in for the rest of one's life. But it is not for me. I will never rely on a company to control my destiny. It is tempting as I grow older, but in this day and time it is not realistic.
For those of you who are still living in the days of the gold watch after 25 years of service, I would say "wake up." Have a contingency plan and be prepared to use it. It is no longer the company's responsibility to make sure you leave the company having enough money to spend days on the golf course or relaxing on the front porch. Some of us have worked all of our lives and will probably be working past 80 if our health holds up. My company owes me my paycheck and I owe them a good day's work. That is as far as I plan to take it.
This past couple of months my company has had to lay off a number of people, some that have been there for more than 20 years, some in the same position for many years. I have never been in a position for more than 3 years and it is a wonder to me to see people who are satisfied with this type of stability. This is certainly not a judgment call on my part, because in the long run the people who have planned to retire by staying in one job for the duration are really smart. I'm sure there is nothing like knowing that a check will be coming in for the rest of one's life. But it is not for me. I will never rely on a company to control my destiny. It is tempting as I grow older, but in this day and time it is not realistic.
For those of you who are still living in the days of the gold watch after 25 years of service, I would say "wake up." Have a contingency plan and be prepared to use it. It is no longer the company's responsibility to make sure you leave the company having enough money to spend days on the golf course or relaxing on the front porch. Some of us have worked all of our lives and will probably be working past 80 if our health holds up. My company owes me my paycheck and I owe them a good day's work. That is as far as I plan to take it.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'm heading to Atlanta today to volunteer for a run for eyesight. My friend works at an international company by the name of Luxottica and they are sponsoring the event. Luxottica is the home company for Sunglass Hut, Pearl Vision, Lenscrafters, and others. They also provide free exams and glasses to children in need. I can't imagine not being able to see and not having the means to obtain glasses. I had to enlarge the icons on my laptop last night which was frustration enough for me.
Anyway, I'm excited to be a part of this worthy cause. Also - don't forget that Earth Day is April 22. Check out "Earth Gospel" at www.upperroom.org/bookstore. One way to care for the earth is to pray.
Anyway, I'm excited to be a part of this worthy cause. Also - don't forget that Earth Day is April 22. Check out "Earth Gospel" at www.upperroom.org/bookstore. One way to care for the earth is to pray.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wine and Chocolate Milk
For the majority of my life, I have stayed away from alcohol. I've never had a beer in my life. But lately, I have found that I enjoy a glass of wine. Tonight I was out with some co-workers and it was happy hour. I drank one glass of wine and gave the other away. So unlike my Dad who had to have a six-pack every night with whiskey shots on the side. It is funny. Because of the alcoholic tendencies in my family, drinking a glass of wine is like committing some sort of sin. Now that I am Catholic, you'd think I'd be over that. Still, one is my limit. I don't want to lose control.
Anyway, I am wondering if guzzling down two glasses of chocolate milk should be considered a sin. What a nice fuzzy feeling when that chocolate gets in to my bloodstream. Such peace and I could sleep for hours. Except . . . guilt slips in. Why did I do that? I'm going to be huge. No adult woman needs two huge glasses of chocolate milk, especially after wine.
I refuse to let the milk get a hold of me. I won't be ignoring my job and friends just so that I can drink chocolate milk. I won't sneak to get that second glass of milk when no one is looking. I'm in control. One glass of wine and one glass of chocolate milk. That's my limit.
Anyway, I am wondering if guzzling down two glasses of chocolate milk should be considered a sin. What a nice fuzzy feeling when that chocolate gets in to my bloodstream. Such peace and I could sleep for hours. Except . . . guilt slips in. Why did I do that? I'm going to be huge. No adult woman needs two huge glasses of chocolate milk, especially after wine.
I refuse to let the milk get a hold of me. I won't be ignoring my job and friends just so that I can drink chocolate milk. I won't sneak to get that second glass of milk when no one is looking. I'm in control. One glass of wine and one glass of chocolate milk. That's my limit.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It has been two months since I've written. Actually I went on a horrible tirade one night in February. I was so ashamed of my antics that I deleted the post.
Since my last published post, much has happened. I have a new position at work and I am spending much of my time trying to learn more about the publishing game. Not always easy for an AARP chick. The economy is making it stressful for most businesses and our company is working its way through new challenges. I imagine it might be a good idea for me to spend less time worrying and more time praying.. One of our authors, Patricia Wilson, wrote a book - Why Pray When You Can Take Pills and Worry? Its weird that I haven't really read it. I think it is time. My weight is up again and for the first time in my life - so is my blood pressure.
For the millionth time I'll list what should be most important to me: God, Family, Health, Friends. Not easy when budgets, strategies, tactics, meetings, people .... overwhelm.
Well, I'm headed for the beach next Friday night. I am going to force myself to relax. The lifestyle I'm leading is miserable.
Since my last published post, much has happened. I have a new position at work and I am spending much of my time trying to learn more about the publishing game. Not always easy for an AARP chick. The economy is making it stressful for most businesses and our company is working its way through new challenges. I imagine it might be a good idea for me to spend less time worrying and more time praying.. One of our authors, Patricia Wilson, wrote a book - Why Pray When You Can Take Pills and Worry? Its weird that I haven't really read it. I think it is time. My weight is up again and for the first time in my life - so is my blood pressure.
For the millionth time I'll list what should be most important to me: God, Family, Health, Friends. Not easy when budgets, strategies, tactics, meetings, people .... overwhelm.
Well, I'm headed for the beach next Friday night. I am going to force myself to relax. The lifestyle I'm leading is miserable.
Monday, January 26, 2009
My Momma Takes Care Of Me
My daughter just posted on Facebook asking what to do about a lying child. I immediately thought she was directing the question to me. Then I realized she was asking everyone that might be reading the post. I thought she only needed me!
What is it about us mothers that makes us think we must jump right in when we think our children need something? I was consumed with the desire to fix her problem. Funny, she is a mother trying to fix her daughters' lives too. Upset stomachs, runny noses, scary nights.
And then there is my mom. She lives with me and my husband. I can wake up in the morning, sit on the sofa and barely look like I might want coffee and it appears. She has warned me when there is a threat of ice that I should take off early to be safe. "Do you have a long coat in the car for emergencies?" - she asks. "Give me your keys and I'll warm up your car." Funny how I think it annoys me sometimes, but it is really nice to have your momma watching out for you.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and wintry. Thank goodness Mom goes to bed early so the coffee will be hot when I wake up.
What is it about us mothers that makes us think we must jump right in when we think our children need something? I was consumed with the desire to fix her problem. Funny, she is a mother trying to fix her daughters' lives too. Upset stomachs, runny noses, scary nights.
And then there is my mom. She lives with me and my husband. I can wake up in the morning, sit on the sofa and barely look like I might want coffee and it appears. She has warned me when there is a threat of ice that I should take off early to be safe. "Do you have a long coat in the car for emergencies?" - she asks. "Give me your keys and I'll warm up your car." Funny how I think it annoys me sometimes, but it is really nice to have your momma watching out for you.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and wintry. Thank goodness Mom goes to bed early so the coffee will be hot when I wake up.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I am thinking of the parts of me that I can now officially call "weak."
1. Weak mind - The other day I was helping my grandaughter with her homework and I looked at an animal and called it a zebra. She looked at me and said "Lovey, that is a giraffe." Ouch!
2. Weak bladder - I am regressing back to childhood behavior where I don't seem to have enough advance time to get to the bathroom. It happens so fast that I have to make a quick break for the restroom way too often. Ughh!
3. Weak knees - Knee surgery aside, the old knees aren't what they used to be. Too much popping and cracking. I thought this only happened to old people. Alas!
4. Weak back - The dreaded belly fat that I hear comes from stress has caused my back to weaken. Well I would prefer to think it is from stress rather than me sitting on my butt for hours at a time. Anyway, when the belly grows, the back goes. Whew!
5. Weak eyes - I was bragging to my husband, brother, and sister-in-law at a restaurant the other night that my near-sighted eye now compensated for my far-sighted eye. Therefore I can see much better than most people my age. The joke was on me. I pulled out a speeding ticket (my first) that I planned to take to court next Monday, the 26th. Looking at it with glasses, I saw the court date was Friday, 06. The 0 looked just like a 2 to me without glasses. Missed my court date and had to pay the full fine. Whoops!
1. Weak mind - The other day I was helping my grandaughter with her homework and I looked at an animal and called it a zebra. She looked at me and said "Lovey, that is a giraffe." Ouch!
2. Weak bladder - I am regressing back to childhood behavior where I don't seem to have enough advance time to get to the bathroom. It happens so fast that I have to make a quick break for the restroom way too often. Ughh!
3. Weak knees - Knee surgery aside, the old knees aren't what they used to be. Too much popping and cracking. I thought this only happened to old people. Alas!
4. Weak back - The dreaded belly fat that I hear comes from stress has caused my back to weaken. Well I would prefer to think it is from stress rather than me sitting on my butt for hours at a time. Anyway, when the belly grows, the back goes. Whew!
5. Weak eyes - I was bragging to my husband, brother, and sister-in-law at a restaurant the other night that my near-sighted eye now compensated for my far-sighted eye. Therefore I can see much better than most people my age. The joke was on me. I pulled out a speeding ticket (my first) that I planned to take to court next Monday, the 26th. Looking at it with glasses, I saw the court date was Friday, 06. The 0 looked just like a 2 to me without glasses. Missed my court date and had to pay the full fine. Whoops!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Longing for Snow
I wonder if I have a genetic predisposition to need to see least one good snow a year. The closest I have come lately is to surf for pictures on the internet. I download them to my desktop and my screensaver so that I can at least pretend to have a true winter experience.
Let it snow!!!!!!!!!
Let it snow!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I Wan't Drinking Last Night
No. I wasn't drinking last night. And last night I wasn't kidding either. I am used to fixing things myself, and when I see danger I begin to take note of my options. The army (or corps) sounded like a good idea after the week I had.
Today I was back to the grind. Lots to do at work and lots of feelings to keep soothed. Ahh, the life of a peacemaker. We don't allow our feelings much outlet time, so we must be dreamers who tell ourselves that we can walk away any time we want. With that private notion, most things are endurable.
Today I was back to the grind. Lots to do at work and lots of feelings to keep soothed. Ahh, the life of a peacemaker. We don't allow our feelings much outlet time, so we must be dreamers who tell ourselves that we can walk away any time we want. With that private notion, most things are endurable.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I Want To Join The Army
I'm hoping my anxiety medicine kicks in soon. I really need some calm in my life. After the last few days, I'm as edgy as a cat.
When I get like this I start looking around for changes. Instead of trying to calm myself, I can't stop myself from dreaming up diversions. I want to move out of the state. I want to change churches. I want to quit doing everything I'm doing now. I want to change jobs. The last one is a constant. I've never been content in a job. So tonight I went to the Army Corps of Engineers site and set up my resume. Just a little tweeking and I can post it. One push of the button and I could be called to be a part of the military. Well, almost the military.
I called my son and told him what I was doing. No reaction. He just said, "good idea." He works for the corps now and answers to a real life General. I always fancied that in my younger days I would have been great in basic training. I'm so good at obeying rules. I would have probably cried, but I was strong and fairly athletic. Now, thinking about being a part of an organization that values action and order makes me think I might even be able to do a push-up.
What would I do if they did call? I'd go.
When I get like this I start looking around for changes. Instead of trying to calm myself, I can't stop myself from dreaming up diversions. I want to move out of the state. I want to change churches. I want to quit doing everything I'm doing now. I want to change jobs. The last one is a constant. I've never been content in a job. So tonight I went to the Army Corps of Engineers site and set up my resume. Just a little tweeking and I can post it. One push of the button and I could be called to be a part of the military. Well, almost the military.
I called my son and told him what I was doing. No reaction. He just said, "good idea." He works for the corps now and answers to a real life General. I always fancied that in my younger days I would have been great in basic training. I'm so good at obeying rules. I would have probably cried, but I was strong and fairly athletic. Now, thinking about being a part of an organization that values action and order makes me think I might even be able to do a push-up.
What would I do if they did call? I'd go.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
It is over
Susan died Saturday morning. She was so very sick, but did not want to die on the January birthdays of her daughter or uncle. On Friday night her mother told her that all she had to do was make it past midnight. Georgetta Susan Walker Perry passed away at 8:30, Saturday morning, January 3, 2009. She leaves behind a husband, three children and four grandchildren. She was forty-nine.
I did go see her seven days prior. When I walked in she was lying in the living room in a bed hospice had provided. She was moaning and asking her husband of 32 years to hold her. Her face was so drawn that her teeth protruded like someone in a concentration camp. Her little legs hung out from under her gown, but she said she was hot and did not want them covered. The only way she was able to take any liquid was through a small dropper. Her husband used the dropper to drip morphine into her mouth every 30 minutes. I spoke to her about when we were little girls and about how we loved to read to each other. In a barely audible voice she said, "I still love to read."
They cremated her body and we had a memorial service for her today. Everyone looked dazed. My cousin Kevin spoke about his older sister. He didn't talk about her being a good person or how much he would miss her. He talked about how strong she was. And no one disagreed. Susan died in the same county where she had lived most of her life. She died by a window that looked out over a country road where horse and buggies trot by every few minutes. She died as she had lived, without complaint. Susan was a very strong woman who knew that her life would soon be over and she went through the process of dying with great strength and dignity.
Dear Susan,
Memories of you are flying through my mind and tonight I am crying for you. I pray you rest in peace.
Love always,
I did go see her seven days prior. When I walked in she was lying in the living room in a bed hospice had provided. She was moaning and asking her husband of 32 years to hold her. Her face was so drawn that her teeth protruded like someone in a concentration camp. Her little legs hung out from under her gown, but she said she was hot and did not want them covered. The only way she was able to take any liquid was through a small dropper. Her husband used the dropper to drip morphine into her mouth every 30 minutes. I spoke to her about when we were little girls and about how we loved to read to each other. In a barely audible voice she said, "I still love to read."
They cremated her body and we had a memorial service for her today. Everyone looked dazed. My cousin Kevin spoke about his older sister. He didn't talk about her being a good person or how much he would miss her. He talked about how strong she was. And no one disagreed. Susan died in the same county where she had lived most of her life. She died by a window that looked out over a country road where horse and buggies trot by every few minutes. She died as she had lived, without complaint. Susan was a very strong woman who knew that her life would soon be over and she went through the process of dying with great strength and dignity.
Dear Susan,
Memories of you are flying through my mind and tonight I am crying for you. I pray you rest in peace.
Love always,
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