Monday, January 26, 2009

My Momma Takes Care Of Me

My daughter just posted on Facebook asking what to do about a lying child. I immediately thought she was directing the question to me. Then I realized she was asking everyone that might be reading the post. I thought she only needed me!

What is it about us mothers that makes us think we must jump right in when we think our children need something? I was consumed with the desire to fix her problem. Funny, she is a mother trying to fix her daughters' lives too. Upset stomachs, runny noses, scary nights.

And then there is my mom. She lives with me and my husband. I can wake up in the morning, sit on the sofa and barely look like I might want coffee and it appears. She has warned me when there is a threat of ice that I should take off early to be safe. "Do you have a long coat in the car for emergencies?" - she asks. "Give me your keys and I'll warm up your car." Funny how I think it annoys me sometimes, but it is really nice to have your momma watching out for you.

Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and wintry. Thank goodness Mom goes to bed early so the coffee will be hot when I wake up.



Derrick said...

I wish I had someone to warm up my car and take care of me. I'm going to steal Mema.

Punkinjean said...

Has anyone told Mema y'all are fighting over her?